NaNoWriMo and Me

Today is the beginning of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month – ). Starting at 12:01am this morning, participants have one month to write 50,000 words of their novels. The prize is the accomplishment. The non-profit’s site includes a lot of support, a global and smaller regional community, and a whole bunch of forums to aid with the inevitable procrastination process.

As of 9:48am (I successfully put it off for almost 10 hours), I am an official participant in the annual frenzy. I pushed the button because I’ve tried but can’t come up with any more excuses. All the stars are aligned and I am surrounded.

  • I have no freelance work due in November.
  • I’m on an easy project at work (meaning it doesn’t require any extra hours and actually allows for some daily drifting).
  • I also know that this project lasts at least through December, so I feel no pressure to market in November.
  • I now firmly believe that one more cubicle will kill me.
  • My new furniture fiascos are over and my son is in charge of painting the living room. My remaining chores don’t add up to one complete excuse.
  • I have the idea, the title, the characters, and the plot in my head screaming to escape. I need to put us all out of our misery.
  • All the people I know are pretty busy with their daily lives and thoughts of and pre-plans for the upcoming holidays. It’s just perfect timing.
  • I got an email from God and Writer’s Digest last night reminding me of the event.

The email wasn’t snippy, but I sensed that He was drilling his fingers, tapping his toes, rolling his eyes, clearing his throat, and essentially saying:

“Uhhh, Karen Dear? (He still loves me after all.) What would you have Me do? Move the pencil in your hand? Force your fingers to hit the right keys? I have cleared your schedule, provided you with the means to pay your bills, sent you a fire-lighting-to-ass email reminder, and aligned a support system. Geez. I think Judge Judy will be fine if you miss her today. Do you really want me to take your cable away, too?”

“Ok, God, I get it. Thank you. I know, I know. Thank you. I am writing. Thank you. I am. Thank you.”

It’s recommended that I put an icon on my website to communicate that “1) I am a serious writer now, and, 2) As a serious writer, I will not have time for household chores until December.”



So here it is. Scary looking, isn't it?

Now what do I do? Oh, right. Write.

Now? But....I'm hungry and must go get lunch.

I think I hear white noise.