Writers' Center of Indiana website!

Less than two years ago, the Writers’ Center of Indiana sent a survey to all its members asking for feedback, suggestions, complaints, etc. From what I heard, we responded in droves with more than they probably had anticipated.

Typically, nobody expects much to happen from mail-in surveys. You just do it for the exercise and to get things off your chest. Then, you stick a stamp on it and don’t give it another thought.

Well, just when you least expected it!

The WC website has a new calendar of events and lists new clubs, new resources, new contests, and new opportunities to publish work.

The organization and appearance haven’t changed, but it’s easy to use, CURRENT, and a great site for Indy writers and fans of Indy writers. Their new notification system of readings, speakers, workshops and events is timely and full of great information.

I filled out the feedback form on the site to commend the webmaster. Now, if whoever’s in charge of The Fiction Group – I just want to know what they do – would respond to email….

I’ll save that for another survey. For now, I'm too happy about adding the website back to my Favorites list. :)