Karen and The Kibbey Carillon

My new CD is here! O Happy Day! It’s called Joyful Noise: The Kibbey Carillon of Washington National Cathedral and I am a happy woman. Too much 5-HTP, perhaps (see previous post)? Maybe, or maybe it’s a calling. Maybe I’m meant to play the carillon. Of course, I’ll have to learn. I’ll have to locate a carillon teacher and buy a carillon for home. Hmmm, how to get it home in the Lumina. Maybe I’m just called to listen. And be still. And appreciate.

It all began about two months ago with the first signs of Fall. I started driving aimlessly on my lunch hour, usually heading west on 16th Street because it’s an area of town I hadn’t seen before. There’s not much spectacular or special about the area except for the Indy 500 Speedway, of course. (It’s a Hoosier law that all residents have to use ‘spectacular’ and ‘Indy 500’ in at least one sentence each year, so there’s mine).

Anyway, this all turned into a new habit. I would drive to a particular Wendy’s for my nuggets and yogurt (healthy, right?) and then sit in an empty bank parking lot nearby to read. I have wanted to read the Bible from start to finish and as a middle-aged adult for a while now. And not for the reasons one might assume.

I just started noticing that today’s motivational and inspirational speakers seemed to all be saying the same things. When I’d use “the Google” and delve deeper, most are just repeating things that were written (divinely or historically – however you choose to look at it) thousands of years ago in the Bible. Most of the quotes I see tacked up on office walls and bulletin boards at work are originally from the Bible. So, I added it to my life list: read sacred writings to learn about religions, find the Source, etc.

So back to my parking lot. One day, when I guess I had the window cracked or the radio off, I heard carillon music at a distance. I drove around with my windows down to find where it was coming from. I located St. Christopher’s Catholic Church on 16th Street and, come to find out, they play carillon music every day at noon. I’ve heard it every now and then my entire life, but, never with such synchronicity.

What’s the thing? Draw nigh to God and God will draw nigh to you. Yep, that’s my God. He’s hilarious. Following me around like that.

And it all started with lunch hours with nothing to do, Wendy’s nuggets, a dissatisfaction with million-dollar lecturers claiming new and unique insight at every turn, and a desire to read a sacred writing or two.

And it ended with a newfound love for carillon music and a spiritually confident smile. Oh, and a visit from the UPS man. Always a good thing.