Thank God for The Typo Eradication Advancement League (TEAL)

I feel weak, a little giddy, and damn near hopeful. To know that while I sleep or sit on my sofa baffled by (but unable to stop watching) something called High School Reunion, there is a group of people out there fixing typos and spelling errors all over this great country of ours.

What could be better?

I know there are wars and human suffering and embarrassing campaigns and disintegrating job markets, but this is what we need in America. People who give a shit about the very basics of education and do something about it. The world is now a better place.

Like I said, I’m giddy. This calls for an M&M and a blog entry. And quite possibly a T-shirt order to show solidarity and appreciation.

(I checked this post an extra umpteen times for typos. If you find one, do let me know, and then do something about the economy. Please?)